Submission Guidelines for Memoirist:
​- Autobiographical non-fiction, 1,000-3,000 words
- Literary, i.e. stylistically polished
- Publication ready (grammar and spell checked)
​- Include a jpeg of a quality, original and relevant photo to accompany your writing. The photo is essential, we can't post without that. Photos can be uploaded separately but make sure they're labelled.
- Unpublished material, although we may consider a piece that was published in your blog with very few readers or an extract from a self-published memoir.
- 12 point, 1.5 spaced, block paragraphs
- Author's name and title of piece on file name
- Add a short author bio at the end, mentioning any publications, and links to Amazon, etc. Add an photo of yourself for the bio.
- Include your email address
- By sending us material, you consent to its being published on our site. We reserve the right to edit submissions but if your submission requires considerable editing, we can't publish it.
- Don't use full names of other people and change names to protect privacy.
- We will endeavor to notify you if we are going to post your work, i.e. if you don't hear from us within two months of submitting, we probably won't be using it.
- Look at our posts to get an idea of the kind of writing we are looking for.
- No payments will be made for submissions.
- Material posted remains copyright of the author and does not reflect the opinions of the editors. All other photographs and text are copyright of the editors.
- Email submission as an attachment to contact@memoirist.org